Airnimal Joey first fold with accessories



Folding bicycles for commuting and adventure

Airnimal make high performance folding bikes that fit in a suitcase or for commuting. Flying with a folding bike · Demo bike deals · Blog posts folding bike · Contact us

Products overview

Airnimal Folding Bikes are designed and developed in Cambridge, the cycling capital of the UK, and are ridden worldwide.

英國經典小摺Airnimal Chamelon 公路小跑車,擁有速度潛力的小 ...

有速度性的小摺,騎起來不會彎痠背痛的小摺,可以讓你去到很遠的地方,. 如果有計畫BIKE PACKING (單車露營),變色龍也是很棒的選擇。 ————————— ...


Go anywhere, with Airnimal folding bicycles. If you're looking to commute, tour or explore Airnimal makes it a breeze, with its fantastic folding capability.

Airnimal Joey Endurance Plus review

評分 4.0 · Simon Withers · Superbly engineered high-end folder with near road-bike performance. Pros: Road bike-like ride, folding capabilities, decent kit and vast array of dedicated ...

Landrace Piegare (pie·gà·re) by Airnimal Review

The perfect folding bike rides like a top-end road-bike, uses familiar prestige componentry and seeks no excuses for its folding nature.

Airnimal Bikes for sale

Made from aircraft-grade material, these bikes offer the ultimate flexibility in design, as the main components can be folded easily to fit in a suitcase. If ...

I love my Airnimal

Bike has suspension forks and 2 knobbly tyres - hence the preference for the Joey (washboard roads on a Bromption are no fun!). Thanks in advance.

Bike review: Airnimal Joey

A bike that can be had with flat handlebars and a more upright seating position. But importantly, it is not just a road bike, but one that's ideal for touring.

AIRNIMAL | Bikes | Folding Bikes

Our current lead-time on handbuilt wheels is approx 3 weeks, and approx 3 weeks for custom bike builds. We now offer ice skate sharpening ( ...


Airnimalmakehighperformancefoldingbikesthatfitinasuitcaseorforcommuting.Flyingwithafoldingbike·Demobikedeals·Blogpostsfoldingbike·Contactus,AirnimalFoldingBikesaredesignedanddevelopedinCambridge,thecyclingcapitaloftheUK,andareriddenworldwide.,有速度性的小摺,騎起來不會彎痠背痛的小摺,可以讓你去到很遠的地方,.如果有計畫BIKEPACKING(單車露營),變色龍也是很棒的選擇。————————— ...,Goanywhere,withAi...